Read other women’s stories


Breast Reconstruction DIEP Stories

The women who tell their stories in this booklet want you to know you are not alone.

Their stories were written in their own words and are presented with their consent.

We hope their words give you comfort and confidence on your journey.

<<— Click on the image to read the booklet

Please note:

  • These stories are not presented as testimonials for the work of Dr Joe Dusseldorp or his Practice. They are intended to provide you with insights into different women’s experiences so you can make informed decisions about your own situation.

  • Remember that one person’s experiences do not necessarily reflect the outcomes others may experience.

  • Ensure your surgeon is FRACS qualified, and seek a second opinion if you are uncomfortable.

  • Individual results vary and are not guaranteed. All surgery carries risk and potential complications.

  • This link is intended only for the recipient.