Jo is the first girl to receive a custom 3D printed ear implant in Australia for microtia. She also received a bone anchored hearing aid implant in the same operation to address her atresia.
Microtia Conference in Melbourne
What Are We Waiting For?
Translating technological advances that are happening all around us into everyday improvements in patient care is the great challenge for this generation of medical professionals. Last week I completed an amazing program that has revolutionised my thinking. I was proud to stand alongside a wonderful group of fellow graduates who will all make an impact in the healthcare landscape.
Another Australian First in Microtia
Last Monday another young Australian boy received a 3D printed ear implant. While this is the second for Australia, he also a “first” because he received a bone anchored hearing aid implant during the same operation. Usually done over 2 separate operations, this procedure is the first of its kind in Australia.
Pit Crews Are My Inspiration!
Amazing Breakthrough in Neuromodulation
Variety of ear reconstruction options
Big news in Neuromodulation
Discussing breast cancer reconstruction options
Where I come from
Microtia Conference in Sydney
First custom 3D printed ear reconstruction in Australia
Here we go again!
Don't forget to sparkle!
A wrap up of my week delivering surgical education in Vietnam. It was a pleasure to be able to pass on ear reconstruction and microtia techniques, and it also struck me that teaching others requires me to hone my own skills and to reflect deeply on exactly how and why I make decisions. It is an intense experience but certainly makes me a better surgeon.
WhatsApp as a tool for surgeons?
Surgical Education in Vietnam
Week 2 at School
Paper Accepted for Publication
“In the Eye of the Beholder: Changes in Perceived Emotion Expression after Smile Reanimation” is my paper on the application of artificial intelligence software to assess the emotionality of smiles in facial palsy patients. It will be published shortly in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.