Please enjoy our past newsletters.
Just click on the month’s image to read the stories. You can also sign up to receive the next one!
Looking Back to March 2019 - Visit to Vietnam & First Custom 3D Printed Ear / Celebrating Women / New GP Page
Our First 2021 Microtia Superhero / Asymmetrical Otoplasty Examples / Video Insight into My ‘Why’
2020 Challenges for Ears / SyNC Symposium Wrap-up / Skin Cancer Awareness / Regional Access
Harriet’s Bilateral Microtia / SyNC Symposium Announced / Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Ethics Approval for the Liberty Trial / MRFF Stage 2 funding Bid for UNLOCK CP Submitted / A Not-so-typical Day
Anaplastology / Interview with DIEPC Foundation / Annual Microtia & Atresia Conference / Dusseldorp Forum
Telehealth Experiences / Research Papers now on my Site / TED Talk blog
Elective Surgery Restarts / Profile video / Reflections on Ear Surgery Transformation
Explaining the COVID19 curve / Telehealth available
Maxim starts school / Medical Australians of the Year
Artificial Pancreas and other advancements / New Role coordinating the Liberty Trial for Cerebral Palsy
Preparations for my TEDx Newtown Talk / Time with my team
Microtia & Atresia Conference / Inaugural Facial Nerve Symposium / Successful trial of Saluda medical device
Family break / History of Plastic Surgery / Novel breast reconstruction on Channel 9 / Smile Reanimation Research
Superhero kids receive custom 3D ear implants / Pitch night for new medical device / Breast Reconstruction approach
Maxim’s story airs on Channel 10 / Procedure to correct lop ear / Spinal Cord Stimulation advancements / My Ancestry
Microtia & Atresia Miniconference / We’re hiring / Reflecting on 9 months in my Practice
Maxim, First Australian Recipient of Custom 3D Printed Ear Implant / Ear Reconstruction Mission in Vietnam report
Ear Reconstruction Mission in Vietnam / Profiling SyNC Speakers / Welcoming My Third Son
Bionic Face Project / Scholarship to undertake my PhD / Welcoming New Staff
Focus of My Practice in Sydney / Biomedical Device Plans